Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Despicable God !

“… kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But keep alive for yourselves all the young girls who have not known a man intimately…” (Numbers 31: 17-18) “Then I also will walk contrary to you in fury, and I, even I, will chastise you seven times for your sins. You shall eat the flesh of your sons, and you shall eat the flesh of your daughters…” (Lev.26:28-29) “Shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done it?” (Amos 3:6) “ And I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together,… I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but destroy them.” (Jer.13:14). The above quotations and several others, too numerous to count, describe some of the merciless, rather criminal activities, ascribed to a god in the Old Testament called “Jehovah”. I use a small “g” advisedly, convinced that the god here described cannot be the Almighty, Creator of all the universes that we know. The Jehovah of the Bible is callous, vindictive, jealous, brutal, tyrannical, and is a tribal god! He appoints a people like him and calls them his people! Is anyone still in doubt that he cannot be the creator of all? – Otherwise he must own up to being partial, in addition to his many low points!  This god, not knowing his own mind, “created man” and thereafter “repented” of this action and annulled his own creation by wiping his creatures (including innocent babies and children!) out in a “world-wide flood”, after which he repented again and promised never to do such evil anymore!  Failing to civilise man, he now chose himself a people, obviously of his ilk, gave them laws he often commanded them to disobey or disobey himself (as in quotations above) and also in: “Thus saith the Lord God of Israel” (tribal god, see what I mean?) “Put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp and slay every man his brother… his companion, and …his neighbour”! (Ex.32:27)  He hardened Pharaoh’s heart, thereby taking responsibility for Pharaoh’s actions, but turned round to punish Pharaoh’s family, his household, his innocent people, the livestock, plants, rivers and the entire land!  He encouraged the notoriously wicked and devilish acts of slavery and slave trading, as he gave “his people” laws about buying slaves and branding them by drilling hole in their ears!! (Exodus 21)  He often showed vindictiveness and cruelty, as he smote his people with “a great plague” for desiring a change of food from manna! (Num. 11:33)  He demanded human sacrifice (Lev.27:28-29), and actually acquiesced to the sacrifice of Jephthah’s only child as burnt offering!! (Judges 11:30-39).  This same god, in order to win a detestable bet with his arch-rival, Satan, condoned the killing of Job’s ten innocent children, his servants and livestock, all on the same day! (Job 1).  He often showed partiality, as he said: “Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated” even without cause! He killed a man for daring to support the Ark of Covenant to prevent it from falling over! Yet he spared David (a man after his heart) for committing adultery (with Uriah’s wife) and murder (of Uriah himself)! Rather David’s innocent child was killed for his father’s sin!!  And the clincher of the trophy for infamy: Can any injustice be greater than this? Have a look: “And the Lord sent pestilence upon Israel”, killing seventy thousand men (II Samuel 24:15). But for what? For a sin they committed? No! But for a sin committed by David, their king! Ah! And what is this mortal “sin”? one might ask: David numbered the people of Israel!! Seventy (not tens, not hundred) thousand innocent men were slaughtered without counting the supposedly inconsequential women and children!! And wait for it: the census that led to this horrendous massacre was done at the instance of this same god!!! (verse 1) because, as they say “his mercy endures for ever”. Read the whole story honestly and numerous others in the books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, Kings, and Chronicles, and you will feel nothing but blood-cuddling horror at the acts of this “blood demanding” god! What more can one say about the stories of war, torture, rape, and extermination of whole races; about incest, lies, betrayal and murder; about massacre of even innocent babies; about sacrifices; about atrocities and blood-dripping altar of this tribal god. Could the Devil have done, or commanded to be done, acts worse than this? If a god could command: “kill every male among the little ones…keep the young virgins for yourselves”, what worse can any tyrannical Devil command? The picture that can be painted from all these gory tales of this so-called “Jehovah God” is nothing more than that of a blood-sucking vampire; his altar, (and of course his teeth), dripping with blood, often of the innocent (as in the case of Jephthah’s daughter, the seventy thousand, and many else!). No wonder he demands “shedding of blood” for remission of sin! What more can one say of these tales of barbarity and savagery that make any civilised one cringe in horror! On second thought, perhaps one should rescue the otherwise flabby image of their god from these wretched tragic stories, and admit that the stories were either fabrications or real acts of brutal people that offend every sense of justice, and against man and God. In which case the book that tells us about them is a lie, fabricated for human vanity. How dare, then, that some still claim that such a book is “acceptable for doctrine”! Which doctrine? Doctrine of demons and war? Of depravity and murderous crime? Of man’s inhumanity to man? Or is it the doctrine of hell fire, propagated in the so-called New Testament that is anything worth mentioning? Of a god, so full of “infinite mercy” that he would punish finite “sin” – even telling a lie - with infinite punishment without parole? Of a god who rewards “belief” with heavenly bliss, but sentences a morally righteous man to hell for “the crime of unbelief”? Of a god that creates man and allows the so-called snake to subvert his purpose, so much so that he himself had to capitulate to suffer death for a crime he apparently did not commit, nonetheless left the snake loose to capture majority of his creatures, while he (the supposed maker) consoles himself with the minority that will go to heaven, expecting them to be perfectly happy for being so “chosen” when majority of their family and friends are damned! Bravo to this despicable god of hell fire! Is it not better, if one must read inspired works, to read Shakespeare, Soyinka or Ingersoll? As the entire story, absurd in every ramification, stands reason on its head and strangulates justice, I hasten to flush this “Book of Lies and Absurdities” called Bible down the toilet in order to save the name of “Jehovah God” that it so heavily blasphemes! For nothing can be more blasphemous, more profane, than to attribute the infamy of man to the Creator in the name of inspired scripture! Come with me then to: http://flushaholybook.com before I throw up!


Bolatito said...

You no well o.

Marcella said...

The website 2 flush holy books ain't workin'; just tried.

Lucy Deleon said...

Tell 'em more...aint u great! Luv this. If u hav more, send 2 me at lucyd666@yahoo.com.au. Tnx!

Custred said...


Anonymous said...
